European social dialogue refers to discussions, consultations, negotiations
and joint actions involving organizations representing the
two sides of industry (employers and workers). Social dialogue at all
levels is a prerequisite for the functioning of Europe’s social market
economy and crucial to promote both competitiveness and fairness.
The construction sector provides 14,8 million direct jobs and contributes
to about 9% of the EU‘s GDP. It also creates new jobs,
drives economic growth, and provides solutions for societal, climate
and energy challenges.
SUSODCO project context and description
The social dialogue (SD) partners in the construction industry from
Central (Slovenia, Hungary), Southeastern (Croatia, Bulgaria) and
Southern Europe (Cyprus, Greece) willing and committed to collaborate
more actively through a consortium, have decided, on the basis
of the preliminary made research showing common challenges and
issues, to apply for a new EU project (SuSodCo) focused in social
dialogue topics, which are aimed at reinforcement and capacity
building of firstly national sectoral SD and secondly in more active
contribution to the ESD. The project SuSodCo focuses in capacity
building, promotion, visibility and mutual recognition and mutual
trust of social dialogue partners in the construction industry from
Central and Eastern European and South-eastern Member States. In
this framework, the SuSodCo project key objective is to equip national
sectoral social dialogue partners with missing key capacities
that will enable them to be more engaged in sectoral social dialogue
and strengthen their operational functions (capacities) on national
level, enable their growth, development and active inclusion sectoral
ESD activities.
Taking into account that national social dialogue activities require experts’ support, and include feedback on national and on best SD practices initiatives, on planning and comparison of concepts used, outcomes.