Preparation of 4 national joint focused social dialogue capacity researches and 4 reports:
1st report of the SUSODCO project: Overview of Social Dialogue Status in Construction Sector in the Southeastern EU Region
(Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia)

2nd report of the SUSODCO project: Overview of Key Initiatives and Projects Concerning Social Dialogue in Construction in the EU in the 2010–2020 Period

3rd report of the SUSODCO project: Overview of the Internal and External Communication of Employers’ Organizations and Trade Unions in Construction in Southeastern EU Region (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia)
4th report of the SUSODCO project: Social Partner Organizations' Capacities for Implementation of Social Dialogue in Construction Industry in Southeastern EU Region (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia), ANNEX 1, ANNEX 2, ANNEX 3